Just between you and me

Oh, great, a 2-day tube strike.  The world has so far suffered over two years from a pandemic.  We have been denied the opportunity to spend any time with the people we love the most before they died, and at the time they died, leaving them to die alone despite all they had given in… Continue reading Just between you and me

Covid raises its ugly head again

With over 78,000 new positive test results for Covid-19 in the UK in last 24 hours, you might think that we would all be extra cautious. Wouldn’t you.  Would you?  Apparently not.  On my train home this afternoon, from a productive but exhausting day of work, I counted 5 young men in the same coach… Continue reading Covid raises its ugly head again

Pandemic, what pandemic?

Now, admittedly the photograph is one I took myself and am therefore part of the dilemma. I have no excuse other than it’s the first time I’ve been at Trafalgar Square since pre-March 2020 and ended up there unintentionally. The reason I had gone there was because I needed to exorcise whatever demons had invaded… Continue reading Pandemic, what pandemic?

Mask exemptions on public transport

Having travelled into the City for work a number of times over the last few weeks, I have witnessed many people on the train who have not worn a face mask. Through careful and obsessive observation, I have worked out that there are 3 distinct categories of people who are exempt from wearing face masks… Continue reading Mask exemptions on public transport